The unconditional love between father and son

One day the son ask his father: "Dad, will you run a marathon with me?"
And dad answers: "Yes", and they run their first marathon together.
Another day the son asks again: "Would you run another marathon with me?"
And the father once again responds" Yes, my son" and they do the second marathon together.
One day the son asks his father: "Will you do the Ironman with me?"
(4km swimming, 180km cycling, 42 km running)
And the father answers: "Yes"
And it's from that this video comes from... Must be seen to be understood...

Jag ma inte vara religios, men jag kunde inte inte grata nar jag kollade pa den har videon.
Patric lade upp den pa sin Facebook sida.
Sa jag tjyvade lite.. ;)

Postat av: Alexandra

helt otroligt.. finner inga ord...

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