
I have a new set of rules for my life. A sort of guideline type of thing... Most girls I think will agree with me on these "rules". Marina and I were talking about it earlier today. And I know Sherie's already living by them.. Well, some of them at least. And Trish. And I'm guessing there are a few of us who do.

     ♦ You only live ones.
           - A very important one. Maybe the most important one. Don't feel ashamed about what you've done, or what might happen. You only have this one time to make an impression on life, and do it the way you feel at the moment. The way that makes you happy. (this has also gotten me into trouble, but without trouble, how do you know happiness??)

     ♦ Men are shit.
          - I know. I'm sorry. No offence guys, but it's true. Not for all guys at all times, but you are. You really are. Do you not know that to make a woman happy will of course end up with you being happy? There is nothing worse than a grumpy lady. And trust me, we will always take out our grumpiness on you.

     ♦ We need at least 48 hours a day to get everything we need done.
- Not what you'd call a "rule" as such, but good God, do I wish it was possible sometimes!! Everything I need to get done is depriving me of my beauty sleep!

     ♦ You can rest in your grave.
- Which pretty much is a follow up and a contradiction to the last point. But hey, I'm a girl, I'm not really suposed to make sense! Mind you, I am a "workaholic", so too much free time just drives me crazy. So I like this. Doing stuff all the time. Don't get me wrong though, I love having a lovely sleep in now and again, which is why I love my job. Because of the hours. I slept until 2pm today. :)

     ♦ Amen, sister!
- We girls need to stick together. No crap from each other. Don't we realize, we're all the same? We need to look out for one another. Stick with your sisters! They are part of your family after all!


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