Office work - dull work
My back is hurting from the unfortunately uncomfortable office chair. The phone is too small to put between your chin and shoulder when your talking, so I can't actually use both hands while on the phone. The front door is open to let in some fresh air, but this also makes the office very cold. Chilly. So I'm sitting with my little heater first towards my feet, and then for my upper body. I've got mail going out, problems at Kilronan to deal with and Justin needs help with different things. Which I'm happy to do, but when on Gods green earth am I going to have time to do a new database for Newgrange, which they've been waiting for since ... forever ...?? And all I really want is to walk out into the blazing sunlight. Now that we've finally got some!
But no. I wont complain. It's actually not that bad. I don't have that much to do. I just need to organize how and when to do it. It's just that, since I don't have anybody to talk to here, the phone rings like once an hour and I mostly get to talk to Nanette, it's just not that much fun! I'm looking forward to going back to Kilronan next week.
Life just has a grey area at the moment, but there's always sunshine after rain, right? Just like September over here!
But no. I wont complain. It's actually not that bad. I don't have that much to do. I just need to organize how and when to do it. It's just that, since I don't have anybody to talk to here, the phone rings like once an hour and I mostly get to talk to Nanette, it's just not that much fun! I'm looking forward to going back to Kilronan next week.
Life just has a grey area at the moment, but there's always sunshine after rain, right? Just like September over here!