I'm moving on to better things.
Maximo Park
Jag har upptäckt ett nytt band.
Alltså, jag har upptäckt ett nytt (för mej) band som jag tycker är ok.
Och detta bands upptäckt kommer från Doctor-to-be, som flyttar till Dublin om 2,5 vecka. Ska bli kul att träffa honom. Äntligen.
Han är canuck. (Doctor-to-be alltså, vet ej var bandet är ifrån.)
Hittade nyss bandet på Wikipedia. De är från UK.
The Good Old 80's
Green Day - 21 Guns
I just completely love this song... <3
What a wonderful world
Fick den har av mamma imorse, och ar det inte bara ett helt super satt att borja veckan pa??
På fredag är det konsert..!
Men vem ska jag gå med..?
A day like no other
You know those days, when you feel happier than ever? You laugh, you feel, you love.. The days that make you who you want to be. Spent with a loved one, spent in a perfect way, and remembered for all days to come. I feel one of those days is coming. I don't know when, and God only knows who with - but it's there. Just around the corner.
I feel love catching up.
I don't know how to explain it. But I feel calm, happy and most of all - excited. I feel like I could do anything at the moment, which means I just want to know what I'll feel like when it happens. I want that day. That perfect day. But I don't want to force it. It's coming. I know. I'm just waiting.
And yes, I'm having a bit of a Lou Reed day today. This half rainy Monday.
Vi kollade nyss på Shrek. Den filmen är såååå bra! Haha. Jobbar på att få ner den andra nu, eftersom jag fortfarande har mina lådor i Sverige med alla mina resterande filmer.. Kanske får det fixat snart dock! Yay! Här får ni njuta av lite Shrek också! Filmtips för någon som inte har bågot att göra ikväll??
Nighty night - sweet dreams ;)
Taste of Dublin - coming soon
Jag vill att det ska vara nuuuuuu!!
Joan Jett & The Blackheart
Mmm.. you gorgeous boy.. ;)
The unconditional love between father and son
One day the son ask his father: "Dad, will you run a marathon with me?"
And dad answers: "Yes", and they run their first marathon together.
Another day the son asks again: "Would you run another marathon with me?"
And the father once again responds" Yes, my son" and they do the second marathon together.
One day the son asks his father: "Will you do the Ironman with me?"
(4km swimming, 180km cycling, 42 km running)
And the father answers: "Yes"
And it's from that this video comes from... Must be seen to be understood...
Jag ma inte vara religios, men jag kunde inte inte grata nar jag kollade pa den har videon.
Patric lade upp den pa sin Facebook sida.
Sa jag tjyvade lite.. ;)
And dad answers: "Yes", and they run their first marathon together.
Another day the son asks again: "Would you run another marathon with me?"
And the father once again responds" Yes, my son" and they do the second marathon together.
One day the son asks his father: "Will you do the Ironman with me?"
(4km swimming, 180km cycling, 42 km running)
And the father answers: "Yes"
And it's from that this video comes from... Must be seen to be understood...
Jag ma inte vara religios, men jag kunde inte inte grata nar jag kollade pa den har videon.
Patric lade upp den pa sin Facebook sida.
Sa jag tjyvade lite.. ;)
The good old times..
Enjoy yer Saturday - I am!